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Conscious Breathwork & Body Cello Sound Healing Workshop

Join Porter Singer ( formerly Sirgun Kaur) and Diane Khalsa for a powerful experience and immediate growth during this 3-hour Conscious Breathwork and Body Cello sound healing working at KundaliniPHX.

Conscious Breathwork is a gentle, safe process that can potentially create big and small personal shifts. The body Cello Method uses non-performative, expressive sounds (think humming, sighs of relief, short syllables, etc...), movement, and breathwork to unlock the latent energy of our unique voice.

In this workshop, Body Cello will be used to prepare the body for a deep, moving breathwork experience. In closing, we will reflect on what took place and join together in mantra chanting.

Benefits include:

  • Deepen a spiritual connection

  • Dissolve stress and anxiety issues

  • Release old baggage and disempowering beliefs

  • Increase levels of awareness and intuition

  • Heal emotional contributors to physical maladies

  • Unblock the creative process

  • Experience expanded states of consciousness

***NOTE: Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow. It's preferable not to eat for an hour prior. We will provide eye masks, or you can bring your own.

Once purchased, you will be on our registration list. No other proof of purchase will be necessary.


February 22

Saturday Monthly Prenatal Class

February 23

Sunday Community Class